Sunday, September 8, 2013


Well it was officially Spring 9 days ago.
Below is what we (or rather my other half) did on the first day of Spring:

We painted out our feature wall with a fresh new burst of Aqua. It was originally Chartreuse and we loved it, but I was getting bored and it didn't seem as bright and fresh as it once did. At first when we painted this colour, we were all like 'ohnoes!', but fast forward 8 days later and we pretty much don't even notice it anymore! lol

I finally joined InstaGram - you can find me under littlecherryhill ... of course :)

Poppy giggled for the first time last week, I so wish I'd of had my camera or phone ready, but alas, as I started to film her on my phone, she stopped :(

I now have 2 lovely display cases for the markets. If I ever get there. One I purchased off my mother, that she was going to use in her Antique store and the other I won off eBay from an old guy who used it for collectables. On Saturday coming, I hope to check out some Markets held once a month in a big old renovated building in the city. They're very steep to sell at, but they do advertise and supply you with a table and chair and it's indoors. So no having to deal with tents and the weather elements etc... so that's a plus.

Bench wise, I've been playing around getting a few things half made, actually I have almost finished a pair of simple dangle earrings, but as it is for all of us, there just isn't enough time in the day to get everything I want done. Or started. Or even attempted - sewing, furniture resto, selling off stuff blah blah blah.

Sounds like Poppy is starting to wake up for lunch....

Have a good week all.
Em ♥


Cinnamon Jewellery said...

Love the aqua colour, definitely spring-like!

littlecherryhill said...

Thanks Tracy. We've gotten used to it now and kinda like it!