Friday, March 12, 2010

Something for me :)

A lovely long necklace all for me!!

I have been noticing these kinds of necklaces around lately. In mags and on t.v. And I thought they looked nice.

I made this last night. It is made with a nice 60cm 4mm belcher/rolo chain, so I can just slip it on over my head. I used nice 2mm thick wire to make the hoop and then I arranged all the jingly jangly bits (which took a while). I am really happy with how it turned out. And the best part is, I can keep adding to it. It makes such a nice tinkly sound when wearing it. Even my husband approved and said I should make one for my shop. (that is if I ever get round to opening it...sigh).

This afternoon, I finally got my silver supplies. A nice new bezel wire that I haven't tried yet and a big long piece of sheet etc, which will keep me going for a while. Oh and I have been buying up more cabochons... hee hee. But tonight I just don't feel like playing out at the bench. I haven't been feeling very good today. I think I know what is wrong, but I am a procrastinator when it comes to going to the docs....(absolutely hate going to the doctors)..but I will go soon.

It's been a nice cool windy day today...hopefully Summertime is moving on!

Ugh we got our biggest power bill today that sucked :(

And that is all for now.....time to go and have a nice hot cup of tea :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty necklace, will be nice to see some like it in your shop. I'm looking forward to your grand opening! I procrastinate too, especially w/ the doc & then there's the anxiety. But do your best to get there, dear, it's always best to try to stay on top of things. <3
Enjoy your cool weather!