Monday, March 22, 2010

A great morning.

Today, I took my daughter to her Nanna's place for a few hours. And I had such a great morning!!

I got a heap done in just those few precious hours and it was so nice.

She had fun and I had fun. What more could one ask for on a Monday morning??

The picture is of what I accomplished this morning....not bad.



Anonymous said...

All of them are looking beautiful. I love your detail work on the 3 at the right, but I think I already want the piece at the lower left... :D So neat to see them in process! Glad you had such a nice morning - your daughter is just gorgeous & looks like an absolute dear, but a break must have been wonderful!

Amy Nicole said...

lookin good! Can't wait to see the final product!

littlecherryhill said...

Kim - Summer in general is a good little girl, but she's already in the 'terrible 2's' phase and it's getting tiring to look after her without a break, so I was sooooo happy to have one yesterday! It was amazing how much I got into the 'flow' with just those few hours to myself! I don't know when I will get to finish those pieces now though :)

Thanks Amy :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, of course, it didn't even click that 22 months = almost 2! Awesome that you could dive right into the work! Haha, hopefully you'll get some time again very soon. :)

I'm passing along the Circle of Friends Award to you & I hope you'll participate. If you don't know it, you just tell us 5 things you love to do. I got silly nervous about it, but it was fun:

Have a great day! :)

littlecherryhill said...

Thanks Kim!!

Phantasteria said...

Wow... that is very efficiant for one mornings work!
Well done :-)

littlecherryhill said...

Thanks Phantasteria, it's totally amazing how much you can get done, when you are given the chance!