I am struggling not to put cabochons aside for myself. I have some very large ones coming for my own personal use soon....so I have to keep reminding myself that I need to get creating for Etsy, so I can't keep these ones for myself!
Yes I am a bit anal when it comes to crafting......I like organisation and I like to keep things documented - as you can see from all my cabs packaged up with measurements and prices etc. Oftentimes I go to start a setting for a stone and then decide to work on something else...this way I can keep all the bits n bobs I have precut for the stone, in the bag with the stone. I am not overly familiar with what certain stones are called yet.....so names on the bags help too, though most I can remember.
I have a good feeling that I will have my Etsy shop opened in a couple of weeks. I don't want to get my hopes up. But to sell something once a week would be awesome! Anyway, guess I will have to wait and see.
Ohhhh! Goody, goody gum drops is right. Look at those beauties! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Yay! I wish I'd kept track of my materials the whole time the way you are, it would make pricing so much easier. Apparently I need lots of help w/ the organizing, as I just discovered my rats reached up through their cage overnight & somehow dumped out an entire container of what I thought were securely closed-up silver beads. Onto a shag carpet. Ugh! Have fun w/ the cabs - look forward to the finished products!
Thanks Amy! It's hard to know where to start!
Oh no KSK! I remember when I used to bead many years ago I was always knocking over my whole container of sorted by colour seed beads, all over the armchair and carpet. The carpet was the colour of gravel...damned hard to find beads of that size in. So I feel your pain lol.
Heya! So exciting and such beautiful stones! I wish I was more organized . . . sigh. Looking forward to seeing your lovely creations. All the best to you, Emma! Have fun!!!!
{And your little girl looks oh-so-precious.}
Thank You Alice :)
Thank You Rosy! I love reading your posts and seeing your latest works of art! They are very inspiring to say the least! :)
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