Tuesday, January 19, 2010


That has been me all day long.......I had for many many years, suffered from allergies....was forever carrying tissues with me. Then it disappeared and every once in a while I have hayfever. I had hayfever a few days ago. And I have it again today. The good thing?....it only lasts a day usually.

On the upside, the weather was better today. Still hot. But nothing like yesterday. So I spent a few minutes out at the bench and have almost finished a ring! Yay! I can't wait till winter time.

Dentist tomorrow. I have had a bad run with my teeth over the last 6 months. I had a root canal that had to be done by a specialist. Price all up $4000.
DISGUSTING! But it was too close to the front to have it pulled. (imagine all the silver and gold I could have bought for that tooth!) So tomorrows appointment is to get the cap happening. Hope I don't sneeze when I am there.....that won't be so nice :S Oh and I had my 3rd tooth pulled 4 weeks ago too. Unfortunately crappy teeth run in my family. I take very good care of them to no avail.... :( Falsies here I come!

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