Sunday, December 30, 2012

Buh Bye 2012

Well it's the last day of 2012.
It's nice starting a fresh new year.
Some big changes ahead, but
I am looking forward to it!

I don't do resolutions. 
Instead I do goals.
Most of them I don't reach. But there are always a couple that I do and that's enough for me. It's good to always have something to work towards.

It's still hot here :(
But despite that, I have been attempting to get to my bench and get those pieces (from my last post) finished. I have spent most of today working on them and some new pieces too. Though to be honest, I am falling short on creativity. I totally have a brain block. I'm hoping that finishing those pieces will help boost me again. Or I'm going to have to buy a new tool or something lol.

We took Summer to a little local beach one evening last week and there were lots of these Blue Jelly Fish scattered along the shore line and on the sand. No idea why. 

Certainly made for some interesting exploring for her :)

Well I'm making some macaroni and cheese for our lunch, with some cucumber and coleslaw on the side. Yum! I am not sure if I am going to be staying up to see the new year in or not, as I tend to be in bed earlier these days. Thank you all for joining me in 2012 whilst I blogged. Thank you for your support and comments!  And thank you to all my awesome customers who have made it possible for me to continue doing this!

Em ♥