Sunday, November 20, 2011


Yes. That title describes me down to a tea at this point in time. 
I have pieces I need to get finished. 
It's too hot.
I've some new materials I want to try and techniques.
It's too hot.
The days are going by too fast.
And it's too hot.

Did I mention it's hot??? lol

Yeah it's getting pretty gross out by my bench. Like I said in my last post, I really need that screen door. Last night hubby found a small toad hopping around in the lounge room....YUCK!!!!! And it probably came from the garage :( 
So now we need to be extra careful. I've no idea how it got in the lounge room unseen though.....

I woke up to a sale this morning :)
I am working on something beaded for myself....I haven't beaded in years. I'm not really enjoying it either haha. But I know it'll look nice when I'm done, I've been working on it in the evenings whilst watching the idiot box. It looks so simple, but it's been a bit of a pain in the bum to make - for me anyway.

The desire to buy new stones is scratching away in the back of my head. It's been a while since I really bought any - if you don't count my stash of little faceted stones...I have bought quite a lot of those. And I do have a lovely larger faceted stone on it's way to me.....actually it should have been here by now, so kinda getting worried about that. 

Anyways I haven't really purchased any cabochons in a while. I do not need them. Not at all. But I fancy looking at new stuff. As much as I love the bright coloured stuff, I fancy some more natural stones now. Though to be honest, right now is probably not the best time of year to be waiting on parcels from overseas as it tends to get slowish.

Well that's about it I guess. I'm so grateful for the airconditioning we have in this place and the great insulation and extra high ceilings!!

Have a wonderful day all 
Em ♥

Monday, November 14, 2011

Muggy Much?

Feels like it was just Summer time only a moment ago and here it is upon us already. And I already hate it lol....but whats new???

I am not overly looking forward to the new year. There is a new law that the government here are supposedly bringing in and it will affect my husbands job. His work situation has already become a bit sketchy of late and I've been pretty stressed about it all. 

Anyways - my daughter is now starting to play with her toys properly and interact with them and I love hearing her!! It brings me back to when I was a little girl, playing with my toys and how I used to use my imagination to have fun. I love my little girl so much it makes my heart ache!
Because of the humid weather we have had, we've been getting more and more ants in our house. Ants are fine...when they're outside...but when I start getting lots of them walking around my kitchen bench and random areas around the house, I start to get pretty annoyed. I spent most of yesterday afternoon spraying them and wiping them up. And just when you think they're gone, a new little trail of them appears. Sigh.

Well here are the latest pieces I finished up last week:

I've already listed them in my shop, which I am usually pretty lazy doing. 

I am still digging my backgrounds. I love seeing my shop all fresh and colourful. I did try my background out with another coloured box, but it just didn't look right, it looks better when it's all the same background, but just alternating the positions and bokeh etc, makes it not look too samey same for every shot. You are right Amy, Turquoise really does work :)

Well it's hot and I don't feel like working at the bench, I desperately need a screen door (which I'm still trying to get the hubs to see to). Way too many flies and mosquito's and wasps get in when I have the doors up, but it's so hot in there really need the breeze (something we get a lot of at this house!!).

Hope you are having a wonderful week thus far 
Em ♥

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Start of the Week

These are some unfinished pieces on my bench from last week...I really really need to get off my backside and get them finished and listed ASAP. 
But I just don't feel like it.
It's a bit muggy already this morning.

I have gotten loads done already this morning of the house work variety.....still have to hang out washing and dust and I really should mop (oh there goes the washing machine...time to stop for a bit and get it hung out...)


Done...yay. And it's only 9:20am, so I have the whole day ahead of me!

I'm already tired haha...

Why do grandparents always insist on buying grandchildren the most noisiest and battery sucking toys?!!!

Last week Summer had a really bad reaction to some Mosquito bites she'd gotten from out in the back yard. They had puffed up so much! When I first noticed the one on the inside of her arm, right above her inner elbow area, I thought she'd dislocated her arm for a few seconds, because it looked so big...but of course she wouldn't have been running around if that was the case! Anyways after several calls to several doctors I got her an appointment. She'd had an allergic reaction to the bites and was given some antibiotic cream. They've returned to 'normal' now thank goodness. If it's not one thing it's I right? Or am I right?!

I've really got to get to finishing those pieces lol....and I desperately need a screen door for my bench area so I can have some breeze without all the wasps/mosquito's and flies etc!

Hopefully soon.
Em ♥