Sunday, December 18, 2011


Yes my silly sewing machine is already broken. 
I had all my pattern pieces cut/interfaced/pinned together ready to go, but the bobbin and top threads just wouldn't connect. So hubby had a fiddle and we came to the conclusion it needs a new bobbin case. 

So this morning Summer and I went to a sewing store and got a replacement. I haven't put it in yet....can't be bothered yet lol.

Then we went and did a little grocery shop. I am going to make a nice big lasagne and salad for dinner - I don't make lasagne often, cause it takes so long. But my hubby deserves something extra yummy this evening, as he upgraded my earrings yesterday! Yes! It was all his idea. I so loved the ones he got me already, but he decided that he wanted me to have bigger ones and so he rang the store he purchased them from and they said it was okay to bring the original ones back to upgrade them!

So yesterday afternoon that is what we did. He's always been a freaking awesomely generous man, I totally hit the jackpot with him! But again, this pressie takes the cake. I'm not normally one to boast about things like this - but I can't help myself. I just want to share how damn good this man is to me!

Anywho, Summer is eating some lunch and I should probably have mine soon and then get on with dinner.

I made myself another chan luu inspired leather wrap bracelet, but after wearing it 2 times, I've decided to pull it apart. Whiteish leather is not really a great choice, it gets grubby very quickly. And the beads - chalk turquoise - have marks on them already...I should probably get better quality ones next time....So I am going to hunt down some new beads and make another wrap for myself with better colour leather - maybe dark brown or black perhaps and better beads. The button I made for this one turned out lovely too! 

 Below is a picture of Summer I took the other afternoon, I got about 40 shots of her in many different poses that she was making up herself, including this one.
She is sooo cute ♥

And below is a pair of Agate earrings that I finally got around to finishing off.

I still haven't been at the bench much. Yesterday Summer went to her Grandies for the day, so I got to the bench and finished these off and then got started on a simple but largish ring for the shop. I have been still having fun with some pmc3 making some little owl charms for my shop

Well I hope that my silver mojo returns soon. I really want to make a go of it for real in the new year, filling my etsy shop up and finally getting myself to a market. Sales have been terrible this month so far and it's really disappointing, which has that terrible knock on effect of not motivating me to make new work. I don't know how you guys are fairing in your Etsy sales, but it's making me question my future in silver :(

Have a wonderful week everyone
Em ♥

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Other things to do...

Since my metal muse has taken a vacation (with no indication of return date), my trusty backup muse has stepped in. Yes my sewing side has returned. It's been some time since I spent time with her.....prob over a year or so now. 

So I was browsing the handmade bag section on Etsy and found a few lovely bags that inspired me to make myself a new bag. I am not in any way skilled at sewing. I'm very much beginner. I've always had a 'thing' for bags and my last one cost a pretty penny (I've expensive taste lol). So I decided to make myself one instead of buying one. It gives me something to work on, since I'm not at the bench. And since I have possibly thousands of dollars of fabric stashed away, I get to enjoy using some :)

This bag is what got me going:

I have even got myself some jute to do the handles like this one.

I've seen a couple of different styles using the jute as handles and I think it's great for making a quick tote. Sewing handles for a bag is not the most favourite part for me.

Mine of course will end up nothing like this haha...but I just wanted a nice tote for going to the post office and corner shops with, something not too serious, like the bag I already use.

Ugh this is all I can write for now....daughter is jumping all over the back of me and on my chair and I can't hear myself think....might be back with a finished bag next time...maybe.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

She's gone again!

My creative muse/mojo. 
Gotta say, I'm getting a bit tired of her disappearing on me.
I have tried to make my first bezel setting for a faceted gemstone, it's sitting in the pickle right now and if it works out, it'll be a miracle. I've got some earrings in the pickle too, they've been sitting on my bench for some time now.

As I wrote in my last blog, the weather has been 'bench' friendly lately. So this afternoon, I thought I would take advantage of it and see what I can do...but I'm just not feeling it. And when I don't feel it, negativity starts to creep in....thoughts like 'oh no, am I just not into this anymore??' - 'my designs suck and I'm not advancing enough'.

None of those kind of thoughts help.
But how do you stop them creeping in??
I'm wondering if a batch of nice new stones would help some. I haven't bought any cabs in a while now and I'm a bit sick of looking at my old ones lol.
Probably should be at the bench more.
I wonder if trolling the internet for inspiration will perk up the creative juices....or will it just hinder me?

There has been something on my mind the past couple of weeks too that isn't helping, but I can't really do anything about that right now.

Does this happen to you often?
What do you do to combat it?

I've walked away from the bench for now. Let the things in the pickle sit a while and I'll get them out and take it from there. Maybe finishing a simple piece will help some. I don't know.

Maybe I'm forcing myself to be something I'm not....


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A little rain & some Beads

It's raining! 
I absolutely love cold rainy days. And today is lovely. The last few days in fact have been on the cooler side, considering it's been really hot lately, it's a welcome change for me.

So this morning I need to finish up a custom ring. Since working on custom orders, I haven't really made anything new for my shop. I should be at the bench right now really...since the weather is perfect for it....but instead I am here at the computer blogging and pinning.

Oh last night I did make this:

Above are the beads and leather I have been collecting the last couple of weeks. I want to make a nice loooong wrap bracelet with the white leather and chalk turquoise beads for myself :) The hard part is trying to find decent beading thread. Everywhere I go either has the right colour, but not thickness, or the right thickness and not colour.....or practically nothing at all hahaha.

I still love beads. After all these years. 

I'm having a 20% off sale in my shop :)

Well I had a terrible nights sleep, think I have hayfever...or a cold...either way I feel pretty rubbish this morning. It's only 8:30am. Best go and put out the birdies and feed the animals and then get about my 'stuff'.

Hope all is well with you dear readers
Em ♥

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Yes. That title describes me down to a tea at this point in time. 
I have pieces I need to get finished. 
It's too hot.
I've some new materials I want to try and techniques.
It's too hot.
The days are going by too fast.
And it's too hot.

Did I mention it's hot??? lol

Yeah it's getting pretty gross out by my bench. Like I said in my last post, I really need that screen door. Last night hubby found a small toad hopping around in the lounge room....YUCK!!!!! And it probably came from the garage :( 
So now we need to be extra careful. I've no idea how it got in the lounge room unseen though.....

I woke up to a sale this morning :)
I am working on something beaded for myself....I haven't beaded in years. I'm not really enjoying it either haha. But I know it'll look nice when I'm done, I've been working on it in the evenings whilst watching the idiot box. It looks so simple, but it's been a bit of a pain in the bum to make - for me anyway.

The desire to buy new stones is scratching away in the back of my head. It's been a while since I really bought any - if you don't count my stash of little faceted stones...I have bought quite a lot of those. And I do have a lovely larger faceted stone on it's way to me.....actually it should have been here by now, so kinda getting worried about that. 

Anyways I haven't really purchased any cabochons in a while. I do not need them. Not at all. But I fancy looking at new stuff. As much as I love the bright coloured stuff, I fancy some more natural stones now. Though to be honest, right now is probably not the best time of year to be waiting on parcels from overseas as it tends to get slowish.

Well that's about it I guess. I'm so grateful for the airconditioning we have in this place and the great insulation and extra high ceilings!!

Have a wonderful day all 
Em ♥

Monday, November 14, 2011

Muggy Much?

Feels like it was just Summer time only a moment ago and here it is upon us already. And I already hate it lol....but whats new???

I am not overly looking forward to the new year. There is a new law that the government here are supposedly bringing in and it will affect my husbands job. His work situation has already become a bit sketchy of late and I've been pretty stressed about it all. 

Anyways - my daughter is now starting to play with her toys properly and interact with them and I love hearing her!! It brings me back to when I was a little girl, playing with my toys and how I used to use my imagination to have fun. I love my little girl so much it makes my heart ache!
Because of the humid weather we have had, we've been getting more and more ants in our house. Ants are fine...when they're outside...but when I start getting lots of them walking around my kitchen bench and random areas around the house, I start to get pretty annoyed. I spent most of yesterday afternoon spraying them and wiping them up. And just when you think they're gone, a new little trail of them appears. Sigh.

Well here are the latest pieces I finished up last week:

I've already listed them in my shop, which I am usually pretty lazy doing. 

I am still digging my backgrounds. I love seeing my shop all fresh and colourful. I did try my background out with another coloured box, but it just didn't look right, it looks better when it's all the same background, but just alternating the positions and bokeh etc, makes it not look too samey same for every shot. You are right Amy, Turquoise really does work :)

Well it's hot and I don't feel like working at the bench, I desperately need a screen door (which I'm still trying to get the hubs to see to). Way too many flies and mosquito's and wasps get in when I have the doors up, but it's so hot in there really need the breeze (something we get a lot of at this house!!).

Hope you are having a wonderful week thus far 
Em ♥

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Start of the Week

These are some unfinished pieces on my bench from last week...I really really need to get off my backside and get them finished and listed ASAP. 
But I just don't feel like it.
It's a bit muggy already this morning.

I have gotten loads done already this morning of the house work variety.....still have to hang out washing and dust and I really should mop (oh there goes the washing machine...time to stop for a bit and get it hung out...)


Done...yay. And it's only 9:20am, so I have the whole day ahead of me!

I'm already tired haha...

Why do grandparents always insist on buying grandchildren the most noisiest and battery sucking toys?!!!

Last week Summer had a really bad reaction to some Mosquito bites she'd gotten from out in the back yard. They had puffed up so much! When I first noticed the one on the inside of her arm, right above her inner elbow area, I thought she'd dislocated her arm for a few seconds, because it looked so big...but of course she wouldn't have been running around if that was the case! Anyways after several calls to several doctors I got her an appointment. She'd had an allergic reaction to the bites and was given some antibiotic cream. They've returned to 'normal' now thank goodness. If it's not one thing it's I right? Or am I right?!

I've really got to get to finishing those pieces lol....and I desperately need a screen door for my bench area so I can have some breeze without all the wasps/mosquito's and flies etc!

Hopefully soon.
Em ♥

Monday, October 31, 2011

Working Hard....

I am trying really hard to promote my Etsy store/work.
The last couple of months have been almost dead as far as sales go. Only just this past week I have sold a few things and it's certainly brightened me up!

I want to get my shop with at least 2 pages full by the time I have my Christmas sale, but it's hard to get going (nothing new there!). Just last week Summer had a super bad fever reaching temps that were going to make us head to hospital. Fortunately she got over it after a few days and then hasn't come down with anything since. So we're not really sure what was wrong.......

I am so glad for modern science and remedies.

Summer and I spent the day at my Mothers yesterday. It takes me about 2 hours to drive there and then 2 it's a big day out for us. But it gets us out and I get to spend some much needed time with my mum and Summer gets to play with the parrots and see her gram & pops. It's worth that long ride.

This is my latest piece:

I am still enjoying my new background and look of my shop.

Still wasting time on Pinterest lol....

It's been overcast here for days now....humid and no rain.....well there was a little rain the other evening, actually it looked like it would storm, but it didn't. It's great for my photography!!

Going through some stresses at the moment, but I have to remind myself that we are fed, clothed and have a roof over our heads and we have each other and that is a heck of a lot to be happy about! And I get to have a hobby like this. It's hard sometimes to not get caught up in a bubble of my own trouble. Thinking of Jo  right now .... hope you get better hun ♥

And I hope everyone else is well too!! Sending out much love to you all 

Em ♥

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Background & Jewellery

Thanks to those of you who gave me your opinion on my background choices...I finally redid all the photography for my shop and I love my new background. I didn't end up going with what I posted about, but it got me to the choice I eventually made. 

It's cohesive, fresh and bright and I love how my shop looks now :)
As much as I thought the grey was for me, I was tired of it. Yes it helped my silver work stand out, but it was kinda lacking that certain something...

I have been trying really hard not to let the lack of sales get me down and stop me from making new pieces. It's damn hard though. When I make a sale it kinda motivates me to make more jewellery......when those sales completely vanish into thin air....well my desire to create kinda goes with it - as I'm sure is the case for many creators out there.

Now I just figure that, I have the supplies there, so I may as well use them and enjoy myself!! And I am definitely working on stocking up to do my first market someday soonish. I think I have an idea how I want to make my set up and once I have that figured, I will be able to see how much stock I need.

Next is a picture of a ring I just finished up this morning:

Yes I have been incorporating my latest skill with my new work I guess there will be a heap of work with tube set gemstones. I'm also working on my plain bezel settings - I find them the hardest to make look nice as there really is no forgiveness in the edge, not like scalloped or sawtooth or like those fancy bezel can kinda get away with all sorts when you use those settings, but with plain bezel.....well you can't get away with much at all! The reason I want to do more with this bezel type is I think it gives a more finished look to my work, as much as I enjoy using the fancy bezels, I want the stones to stand out more and the embellishments I use around the stones. I'll still use the other wire...but I want to get this wire perfected!

Apparently it's going to start heating up here this week....not happy....not happy at all. I still hate the heat, as much as I did last time it was hot. I can forsee a huuuuuge power bill at the end of the year :(

Well that is it for now....I have a couple of pieces I need to finish up and photograph and list over the next few days. Oh and I did a treasury this morning...first I've done in aaages. It was fun though and I tried to stick to a colour theme (which I find hard).

Have a great day :)
Em ♥

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I'm no further with my pieces from my last post lol.

Summer is sitting on the desk next to me chatting away, whilst flicking through a catalogue, most of what she says I can't understand, but it's cute all the same :)

Well I have been changing the photo's of my jewelry for my Etsy shop. 
I am undecided if I am happy with the new shots or not, I don't really have many people to ask opinions of I'm asking you guys for your opinion. 

Which do you prefer?? As much as I like the grey, I think I find it boring. It does help the ring stand out, but the picture itself doesn't draw me in particularly. And now I've changed a heap of pictures in my shop, I'm not sure that having the exact same background for every piece is the way to go either. I don't want to clutter up my shop by having all different pictures, I like to keep it sameish. I dunno...I hate making these kind of decisions :(  It's lots of work to change everything, but I want it to look right.

Thanks for your help guys :) 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

On The Bench

I think I am slowly coming out of my creative block.
It's been a few weeks since I have made something decent - i.e non little instant gratification (kinda) pmc things. And I have been really down lately about where Etsy is taking me. I know that the Economy has taken it's toll...and the changes Etsy have made, have only made things harder for me. 

Still getting favourites......but no sales...not even with a 15% off sale in my shop :(

I am over it though.
For now I am trying to work towards my goal of stocking up for the Markets.
There really isn't much else I can do. I will still list all my new work in my shop, but I won't relist much anymore. I really haven't seen much return for bothering, though I know they still recommend you do (of course they do!).

This morning I have played a little at my bench on these things:

Then after house work and washing etc, I made these yummy yums:

Then...thanks to Jo from Gemhaven, I have been wasting time doing this


All the time I waste at this computer could be put to Much! better use....

but nah. I love the internet. I've learnt sooo much from the internet over the years, it's gotten me where I am today and I'm happy for that...cept for the big butt haha.

Well I am about to make some curried egg sandwiches for lunch and then hopefully get back to the bench before making Spaghetti Bol for dinner :)

How is Etsy and it's changes working for you now?? Do you think you have it sorted? I don't :(

Em ♥

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bah Humbug...

I'm tired. 
Tired of Etsy and tired of trying to figure out how to make it work for me and my teeny tiny shop. Just as I felt I had a little itty bitty future there, it all comes to a screeching halt. 

I am fully aware that I am not the only one .....
There are sellers there, that are in a much bigger predicament than I.
Fortunately for me this is only a hobby.
I feel bad for those who need to make a living from Etsy and are now struggling.

I've tweaked and retweaked and fiddled and fumbled with my tags and titles.
No idea if what I am doing is doing me any good. 
Just confused.

Now I wonder if even having a sale is worth it. Would anyone even find me to bother buying? Do I have to always have a sale to make a sale?? Yes, I still get favourites....but not as many as I did when relisting was the key to it all.

More and more the markets are calling my name. But sadly as a side effect of Etsy's Relevancy change, I've been super unproductive. Unmotivated.  Sure, I've tried a new technique out and succeeded. And I want to do more with it. But as for making things for my shop, I've made about 1 pair of earrings :(

I know I need to get making and stocking my shop if I want to be more successful, to reach a broader audience, to keep people coming back. But now in the back of my mind is 'is it worth it'?? If big shops can't be seen, how will mine? I will NOT sell on the other E. No Siree. And there really isn't any other avenue for me to sell through online.

Sigh. . . not upbuilding I know. 
But sometimes it helps me to write it down and put it out there.

Any advice?? Tips??

Em ♥

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Having Fun With PMC

Yes, lately I have been having fun with mold making and PMC3. I would love one day to be able to cast my own things, but that is far off down the track in the future, so for now, I can get my fill with a little bit of pmc :)

As I've previously blogged, I have made molds from shells from my personal collection. This week I have some other little things I have been making molds of. It's lots of fun.

I also have a little copper in the pickle pot....

Trying to make something for myself.....dunno if it'll work out or not....but it's only copper so it's not a real worry if it doesn't turn out.

I've gotten loads done this morning already. Cleaned the house, weeded, washed and I got a little tid bit of time at the bench whilst Summer went out and played in the back garden. Now I'm back at the puter blogging and chatting on msn with my mum :)

Tomorrow there is a little gem show on........I want to check it out, but it means taking Summer with me and I'm not even sure it's going to be worth the hassle and travel. But there isn't much in the way of gem shows on around here, so I guess I will take the risk and go. I don't have much else on, since hubs will be working. I get so jealous when I read others blog posts about the luscious gem shows they have visited and all the goodies they had to choose from and brought home.

I put in my Rio order and managed to get my silver at $29.84. I am so happy with that price! It has risen since, but not past $32. But hey I nearly purchased it at $36, so I am pretty chuffed :) I am getting a couple of new tools too. I cracked open a new pot of flux stinks.

Here are a couple of pics of some jewelry I made this week with pmc :)

And a new turquoise ring :)

Till next time.
Em ♥

Monday, September 26, 2011

I've learnt something new :)

And it's about time too.
I have been wanting to learn something new for ages and ages. I get new tools, then don't use them. Or I don't get all the new tools for a particular technique and so I don't bother learning anything at all.
Well today I decided that I wouldn't bother with house work and I would just go to the bench and play. Then the post lady came and brought me my little parcel of 3mm Faceted Amethyst Gemstones and I was sooo excited. It meant I could try my new technique out. 

And so below this is what I made :)

Yes, a tube setting!
I have been slowly collecting all the tools this past week or so. I already had a huge long piece of tube, so I just needed the burrs and stones. 
I made the setting over the weekend as my burrs had arrived on Friday.
I went a little mad on last week and ordered a few more gemstones in 4mm and 5mm size, as I'd already ordered the burrs to match. So it wasn't as hard as I ended up anticipating it to be. Which is a good thing. But me being me, I wasn't patient and I ended up setting the stone before making sure the tubing was perfectly flat. So the tube sort of goes up a teeny weeny little bit on one end.
But as it was a practice setting I didn't care. What matters is that I can do it!!!

I hope to add some lovely little tube set stacking rings into my shop with some PMC pieces I am making as well.

I'm starting to get my mojo back.......just a little bit mind.

OH and silver has dropped heaps over the last few days!!!!! As I am sure all of you have noticed!! I put in an order on Thursday, but then decided to cancel it as silver dropped again. So I'm hoping to put in a new one (with Rio of course) and I hope to include a tube cutting jig thingy so I can saw straight bits of tube for my settings.

Well I think that's all for now. It's almost 9:30pm and Summer is sleeping soundly and hubby is fixing things and I thought I would make a little post before I have my nightly cup of tea to relax.

I've changed my font on my posts it easy to read?? Be honest....please. I want it to look pretty and fresh, but it obviously has to be readable.

Love the new posting layout's great!!!

Em ♥

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spring In Full Swing.

It's a lovely day.
Breezy, sunshiny and new tools have arrived!! ♥

I have finally got a new pot of flux - was tempted to buy the borax cone/dish...but it cost another $10 or so. I have always been happy with this flux, so I figured I would stick with it. I got a new firebrick, new sparex pickle, new crosslock tweezers etc. I can't to use one new particular tool that I got to teach myself something new.

Below are pictures of my latest PMC3 experiments. I purchased some cold mold putty to make my own molds and it is such great stuff. So below are pieces I made with shells from my own collection, I am sure I have more somewhere, but don't quite know where......

This picture is of my work area. Not sure that I have shown a picture of it before (cept for the view). It's a bit chaotic at the moment, because I am trying to sort out stuff since the arrival of the mill - speaking of which, Hubs bolted it down for me on the weekend and I have barely tried it out yet...not in the mood to yet. . .

I like to work in a pretty clean area...I'm a bit anal when it comes to organisation and work...I can't really do one without the other. I hope to make a proper bench soon too...we have found the timber, just have to find the time and money, everything is about time and money isn't it?! :(

There is so much I would like to write here. This past week has been a very stressful one, my emotions are on a roller coaster, but I want to try and keep this blog solely about my hobby. Apart from the obvious (my little family) this hobby is the only thing that gives me any joy and I'd like it to continue for as long as possible....I'm sure you other smithers out there can relate :)

By for now
Em ♥

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I have just spent the best part of an hour reading in the forums on Etsy about this whole Relevancy vs Renewing saga and how it's affecting high selling stores big time.

I am going to be honest and admit I'm confused with it all. I have made my titles and listings and tags all relevant with what I sell. I haven't really been the type to look at shop stats, in fact today was the first time I have bothered.

I feel for those shops who are being hurt by this change, spesh when I read that half of the things at the top of the list of searched items aren't even relevant to that particular search at all. I felt that the renewing/relisting thing was pretty good myself. Some on the forums have stated that it made it hard for those who don't relist/renew and so the change is a good thing. But I feel that generally spending money, makes money. So relisting & renewing seemed fair and good to me. After all we're all on Etsy to make money are we not?!

I want to get somewhere with this day....I cannot commit the time that it would take though, at least not right now. Basically all my energy goes into being a mummy and I barely get a break from it, so I cannot commit my brain space fully to making something. I'm always interrupted and am always needed and I only have one child....lord knows how you other women folk do it when you have more than 1 child?!

I am so full of inspiration/ideas/dreams. One of those is to get my ass and my jewellery to a market! I know which one I want to go to (visited another creative market yesterday and it was pretty lame - though maybe my style of work would be welcomed there, as I've not seen any like mine at any markets anywhere in the greater area) and I know where I can get my set up from and how much stock I would need and blah blah. But I can't get to that damned bench and make anything new. I don't think I would be a success with only 22 items, do you? Nope.

So how are you going with the new Etsy search stuff??

I haven't been one to relist heavily...just a couple of things a couple of times a week. Since looking at my stats I have noticed a big spike in faves to both shop and items when I've listed a new item....I will have to just keep an eye on the stats to see how I go.

Any tips? Advice?

yawn....dead tired....and it's cold today? it's Spring?!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tools, New Moo Cards, No Mojo...oh my!

Yes, I have some new tools, moo cards and Zero Smithing Mojo :(

If anything would normally kick my butt into creative gear it would have to new tools....but no....not this time.

Below are pictures of my new matching Moo cards and stickers.
I spent ages designing these and am very happy with how they turned out. And they are such good quality! So now the hubs has decided he wants me to make some cards for him from Moo. Oh and they also came like 2 weeks earlier than I was expecting them, so Woohoo!!

Below is my first print I have purchased from Etsy. I have been lusting after several artists pictures for a long time now and then decided I would get on with it finally and just buy one! And I love it! So does my hubby. I think he even approves me collecting more of them :)

This print is by janethillstudio

And this is a picture of some new stamping tools I purchased from 2moontools

I received them this morning and hope to use them on some new pieces.....eventually......if my mojo returns :(

lol I know that I will.
This is not the first time I have encountered the creative block, nor will it be my last.
What's strange is that my head is just absolutely choc full of stuff, but I can't seem to put it to actual physical work. Maybe my head is in overload?? I'm hoping to get a break sometime this weekend and maybe I'll be able to remove this block. I can only hope.

Yesterday I took my daughter with me to a big hardware store to look for some new tin snips etc and I came across a work bench for $'s not too big and it has peg board and a shelf underneath and an extra area to hang hammers etc. I'm hoping to take hubs to see this bench and talk him into buying it for me would be a spot I could bolt my Rolling Mill to as well. So it's kind of necessary. I can't wait to get the mill bolted down so I can try it out.

Alrighty I must go. Daughter is talking non stop and I can't type anymore as I can't hear myself think, think that is half the reason I struggle at the bench these days :(


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It has sprung!

Spring that is!!
Today is the first day of the new season.
I am going to miss good ole Winter :(

At least this year we have a lovely new airconditioner. Not that we can go crazy with it considering how much power has gone up! But at least it's there for the unbearable days we get in the Summer time.

Anywhoo...below is a picture of my latest tool! Yes A Rolling Mill. Finally!
I have been planning on getting one since I moved into this house over a year ago...but it never happened. Then when I had money, it always went to other tools/supplies etc. I have been watching this rolling mill for a long time and finally the price dropped to a price I couldn't ignore and I jumped in and bought it. I received it yesterday and it is now in my work area ready to go....I just have to chop up copper sheets to fit and play.

I have some other tools on their way to me for stamping. I hope to get those next week :) and then finally I need to get some crucibles and ingots so I can try and smelt my scrap silver and roll it myself....that part is going to be the hard part...but hopefully the best skill for me to learn, considering how unstable silver prices are. If I can smelt and roll my scrap silver out, it will keep me going in the 'can't buy silver sheet just now' times....kinda like now lol. Silver seems to be staying at the $40 mark right now and I am skeptical that it's going to drop under that any time soon. As soon as it does though, I am going to stock up big time!

Below is a ring I made for myself. I wear the same 2 rings all the time and have been eying this stone up for a while and decided to make it into a simple piece, as I feel the stone is gorgeous, it didn't need anything fancy doing to it. I still have some burnishing to do on it, as I am not well practiced at plain bezel wire...even after all this time. I don't tend to use it much. But I want to start using it more now. I like the clean line it gives and how it frames a stone well.

I have been playing a bit more with the metal clay (which I need lots of practice with still!) I have made a piece with it yesterday and have used a fern stem/leaf?? to imprint it with. I just need to smooth it out and sand it down and fire it etc, I have high hopes for how it turns out.....

When it was a new avenue for paying for things, I was excited. Now, the word fills me with frustration. They are putting up the fees on International transactions. For those of us on Etsy or Ebay or the like, this means loosing more money....or charging the customer more money. I don't know how I am going to go about paying the extra, which is 6% I think, but I am going to have to figure it out. With the price of silver up again and fees going up...I often wonder how long left I have on Etsy before I have to let it go. Oh and the exchange rate of Aus dollars to US dollars really digs the knife in too.

I feel as though I might just have to kick myself in the bum and get to the bench and work like an animal and get to those markets I've been dreaming of. At least there, there will only be 1 fee each time and no postage/packaging/conversion fees etc.

Guess I have to work it out and soon.

Oh I have made my first ever order with
I had to place my order with the UK site, but they are already out and on their way to me and I can't wait to see how they turned out!! I designed them myself. I didn't use pictures of my jewellery though. I also made some matching round sticker/labels for my packaging. I hope to get them in the next couple of weeks.

Alrighty. That's all for this post.
Take care all :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Show Holiday.

It's the annual show this month and today is one of the show days that the city gets as a holiday, the other is on Wednesday. So I thought today would be a nice relaxing day to do a blog post :)

Below is around 50% of my cab collection...

And of course I am still buying you do. Though it's evident to me since putting these cabs in this lovely box, that I really should start using some of these up...they're quite lovely.

Saturday afternoon, the hubby and I took a trip to the local hardware store and I came home with a lovely new hammer - cross peen.

And below is some PMC3 that I have been playing with. I want to add some more into my pieces, it's just fun to work with.
My head is filled with ideas at the moment...but I just can't seem to rustle up the energy to get to the bench. I have a few pieces that are halfway done too and it wouldn't take much to get them finished. I might attempt it this afternoon. In fact I should probably pull myself away from the computer and go in there now whilst Summer has lunch....


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To Roll With The Mill.

(for some reason, everything I write is going to be underlined and I have nooo idea how to remove it)

Well it seems like everyone is getting a rolling mill lately! I've been talking about buying one for ages now. My Etsy sale went so much better than I expected it to and now that I have funds again, I am pondering the ever pondered question in my buy or not to buy. I'm hesitant only because it's a largish sum of money to spend on one tool and not knowing what the future brings financially/hobbywise I am in 2 minds about it (as I am about pretty much everything in my life lol).

So I will think about it this week and hopefully make my mind up quick smart.

In the meantime, below are pictures of what I have made lately:

And below is a picture of a gorgeous tree stump my hubs surprised me with last week. I love it! It needs a bit of work to flatten and smooth down the top to make it completely steady, I am starting to think I might like it for photography lol and not for hammering on. I hope to have a proper blacksmiths anvil one day :) I've found the perfect one....and it would look so pretty on the stump :P

The weather is all over the place lately. It's been quite Spring like in the day time. And the night time hasn't been quite as cold, but it has been a bit more windy than normal. I am not looking forward to the Summer. Really not.

I have a lot of family in the U.K so I'm

sending out 'keep safe' vibes to those in the U.K who are affected by the riots.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Silver Smells....

Well the price of it does at least! I don't regularly check the price of silver, but every now and again I do and I couldn't believe it was at $40 again last night. I don't want to get all flustered again and go and buy a whole heap, for the 'just in case it rises' situation, but I can feel the pressure mounting I am sure every other person who works with this metal feels.

Enough of that depressing chatter ....

So I went with the hubby and child to the Markets I wrote about in my last post. And to be honest and to the point....they STANK. Really. Yes they were very large markets, but they were not what I am looking for. They were great if you like inexpensive jewellery or knick knacks, clothes and so on. But it wasn't a 'craft/handmade' type market. I had to go and see, as you never know and it gave us a reason to get out of the house and go somewhere new. I was terribly disappointed.

Anyway, it has helped me make up my mind what I want to do. There are some actual craft markets about 10 minutes from where I live. They are held on Sundays only and I think I am going to give them a shot. Right now I don't have anywhere near enough inventory, so I am going to have to work on that first and foremost. I contacted the market people last night and they said you basically have to supply everything yourself and you just pay for the space allocated, which was about $33...not too bad. This of course means now I have to buy a tent/marquee, table, display stuff, a sign, table cloth and you get the idea :) Gotta spend money to make it huh.

I can't, unfortunately, get away without a tent as the sun here can get too hot and I don't want my jewellery to get really hot and burn someone and I don't fancy sitting out in it either (even though it's Winter still). So I have a lot to sort out if I want to go to these markets. There are some other markets about 15 minutes away from here they are always another option if this place doesn't work out :)

So I have lots to plan for.

My custom order was received this morning and the lady was very happy, which has made me happy in return. She now wants to commission me for 2 more pieces!! I've also finished a few new things for my shop, will have to wait for the sale to be over before I list them.

That's all folks....


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Woohoo! It's Friday :)

It's an absolutely gorgeous day again today. I adore Winter time for days like this. If it were to stay like this forever I would be so content.

But if you know me, then you already know this and know it well haha.

It's almost 11am and I've finished all my housework, I have washing in the machine
and my daughter is making an awful racket out in the lounge room and it's driving me CRAZZZZY!!!!!!!!!


Below is what's on my bench today:

The ring at the back is my first custom order, it's almost finished.

I finally got my parcel of Turquiose cabochons. I am never going to get things posted with USPS Priority again if I can help it. It took almost 2 weeks more to get it and the tracking they do is DREADful. So I am going to get things sent with Express like I was going to initially. It costs more, obviously, but it's peace of mind and reassuring. I love the stones :) I got some Kingman, #8, Crow Spring and Pilot Mt. And I think I am going to get some more lol. You all know the disease that seeps in when you buy stones hahaaha.

Below is a pair of mismatched earrings that my mother generously gave to me. They are natural Emerald and Rubies set in sterling from India. I have already popped them out of their settings and am realising I will probably need to teach myself a pronged setting for them. They're gorgeous :)

And below is a little glass/wooden case that I purchased at a furniture shop last weekend, whilst browsing for a bed for Summer.
It needs dusting out and I am thinking of putting in some felt on the bottoms of each square.....if I ever get round to it!

I ordered myself some new packs of PMC3 yesterday, which I probably wont' get until Monday now, but I am looking forward to making some new embellishments with it for my jewellery. Hubby told me to get some as he thinks it's a nice touch to make the little decorations by hand as well :)

On a completely random note, my birdie is having a yawning attack out in his aviary and it looks so funny (that's if birds yawn?) lol he's still going....
We bought him and his little girlfriend a new cage this week and we put it together last night. I was afraid he wouldn't take to his new surroundings considering he's had the other one for his whole life with 10 years now. It's his bed cage. He comes in every single night and he sleeps in it till morning, when I put him back outside in his aviary...spoilt much? His girlfriend is a bright yellow budgie - he is an Indian Ringneck Lutino (bright yellow). Strange friendship I know, but it works so well. They're just like a little married couple :) Anyway, they were a bit bewildered in the new cage at first, but by the time morning came, they were loving it!

Okay, I think Summer and I are going to go and get some lunch as a treat and sit at our new fave spot at the duck pond to eat it as it's such a nice day in the Sun. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :)


Monday, July 18, 2011

Beautiful Day.

It's a beautiful day, shame the same can't be said about my mood.
Summer is driving me crazy today. I've got my first custom order for an older lady in Brisbane and I just can't see me getting a chance to get it started till Summer goes to bed....but by then I'll be too tired. Woe is me. lol.

My sale is going okay. I hardly get to the bench anymore now though so I barely am able to add any new work to my shop. Everytime I see someones blog post/fb post about how much jewellery they have in the works I get kinda envious. I would give anything to have a regular day once a week just to work selfishly at the bench without any issues/interruptions.

Below is our latest antique we are going to restore to put under our new mirror in the dining area. We are having troubles deciding the finish we want on it though, we both have different ideas.

I have a busy busy week ahead of me, but on Saturday I am hoping to go and visit some markets, as a potential place for me to have a stall there. They're the biggest markets around, having approx 25000 visitors per weekend (it's near a big tourist area/beach). They apparently supply you a table and tent and the prices are pretty reasonable considering. So hopefully the weather holds out and I can give it a look see. Hubs and I have an idea of how I can display my works without anyone being able to pocket anything, so if all goes well, that will be our next project.

I am going to attempt to make my first ever batch of Cheese & Onion Scones soon. A recipe that my mother used to use when I was a kiddo, from my grandmothers recipe book that must be over 50 years old.
And I am going to attempt my first ever meat pie on Friday...yep you heard right...I've never made a meat pie before lol.

Well I am going to prob do another post on Thursday as I have some nice bits n pieces to blog about. So take care all till then :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Got My Mask On......

Not the kind you are probably thinking of.
I have a nice peel off face mask on.
It's Winter and I have to keep my skin fresh and I enjoy a good face mask :)
More so I enjoy peeling one off lol.

Tomorrow it's the 1st of July. I am having my first sale of the year.

I have no idea how well it will go.
But I'm hoping after the recent 'Etsy Finds' plug I will do okay.
It doesn't help that the Australian dollar is more than the US dollar. I haven't sold a piece in a while now and it's very crushing to my creativity.

The weather here is so strange today. It will get all gloomy and then rain for a few minutes and then the Sun will show and it looks all blue skies for miles and then back to the gloomy weather all over again. In fact it's been like that for a couple of days. We just bought Summer a new Trampoline, but she can't get a break in the weather to get outside to use it lately.

I got to the bench last week and made myself a new ring and made a pair of earrings for my Etsy store. I am halfway through a few other pieces, but I am finding it extremely hard to get there and stay there....for many reasons.
I think I need to learn new things and I need new tools to open that opportunity up to me, but that has to wait for the time being.

Well I'm off to read some blogs and make some lunch for the kiddie. I wish it would rain all day.....


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Yes it's certainly Winter here now and I'm loving it!
There is nothing nicer than being able to be in the full sun at the park or outdoors somewhere nice, without breaking out in a sweat or getting super burnt and dehydrated. I love being able to take Summer to the Park or Beach and rug up in a nice warm Cardi or Jacket.

I can't seem to keep up with my blogging these days :( I don't have a lot more on in my day, but Summer is a very full on little girl and constantly demands attention. It's making it hard for me to get to the bench too, as I don't want to plonk her down in front of the t.v (not that it holds her attention much anyways).

We just had 3 tradesmen in our house for the morning, finally installing 2 air conditioners :) That is hopefully going to make Winter/Summer much more comfortable around here! Though our Electricity bills are getting bigger and bigger....which kinda makes me hesitant to use heaters etc. So I try to use them only when I'm desperate.

Below is a piccie of the little Deco cabinet I blogged about some while back. It's not actually Turquoise in colour, it's Teal. My camera won't pick it up :( But it's gorgeous and I love it to bits!

Below is a piccie of a new mirror I got a hold of last week. I LOVE IT! I have been searching for something very ornate to go in our dining area and when this came up on Ebay, I knew I was going to make it mine. I almost didn't get it into my car....but I would have found a way to get it home no matter what. I am now searching for an antique sideboard to put it on to finish the area off nicely. I'm watching one that needs a resto, hopefully it will go for a decent price, as I'm noticing more and more antiques being snapped up here.

And below again are pictures of jewellery that I made a couple of weeks back. Some shoulder dusters (name??) and a pendant.

Whilst the tradesmen were here, I took advantage of getting to the bench whilst Summer followed them around and chatted with them. So I have a few pieces I am currently half way through. Oh and I have purchased some gorgeous pieces of Turquoise and I cannot wait! to get a hold of them! Yum!!

That's about it for now. My floors are a mess from the guys coming in and out of my house and my hubby is on his way home and it's lunch time. I had a pendant featured in the Etsy Finds Email too :) Thanks Amy for letting me know :)

Have a wonderful day all!