Friday, December 11, 2009

Finished Piece

I don't know that I love it....but I don't 'mind' it. I was just trying something out and having a go with the LOS finish too. I might try and polish it up and see if I like it more then....I am a fussy woman.

Oh and it's still disgustingly hot. I haven't made anything or tried to make anything in over a week now and it's disappointing. We have just applied for air conditioning and they have asked us to get here's hoping....then maybe I will attempt to make a few things here and there when I can steal some time. (the air con is for the lounge/dining area all tiled floors)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Hate This Weather.

Well the heat is still here.
It's horrible. It's like walking around in a permanent sauna in our home and it's horrible outside. I don't know how my husband goes to work outside in this heat, but I'm glad he does :)

I haven't really done anything these last few days and I'm not just talking jewelry making either. It's too hot to do anything at all. Thank goodness for air conditioning though. We have one in our bedroom and one in our daughters room.....oh what I wouldn't give to have air con where my bench is. But that isn't to be.

I did drag my butt round Ikea this morning and I bought a desk lamp for the bench, so I can work out in the garage at night and see what I am doing without everyone else seeing me (gotta have the door up for the breeze).

So is a picture of something I have finished off last week.

*for some reason I cannot get the picture to post at the bottom of my seems to want to post at the top...*

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hello to anyone and everyone who pops in and reads this.

I already have a blog that I have been posting in for a long time...but in the last few months I have ventured into metalsmithing. So I have decided to create a blog that will be solely dedicated to this particular journey.

I am a stay at home mum of 1 little girl who is the best thing in my life, so it's a struggle to find decent time to practice my new hobby...but I get by. I also love photography, which will come in handy :)

Thanks for stopping by!